Greetings from "Holland"! Life has been so very busy here in Holland. I am sorry I haven't been diligent at getting updates on the blog, but you can be assured that "no news is good news." Jesse has been doing great since being home, with only some minor problems. He continues to have mucous issues, I presume from still having extra fluid in his system. He usually coughs quite a bit in the morning, and usually throws up every day or so. That isn't such a big problem, but it often soon after he has taken his medicine. He also has had a fever a few times, but nothing serious. I did take him to the doctor (in Sterling) once when his O2 sats were low for a couple days, but he wasn't too worried and the problem has resolved. I have been discouraged that his levels haven't seemed to improve since leaving the hospital, so I am not sure that he will be coming off oxygen anytime soon.
Well today is March 6th - the day we can go back to a normal breastmilk diet. But since it is a Thursday, I have decided to wait a couple days. If there is a problem, I don't want to have to decide whether we need to go to the ER over the weekend. So I will probably start on Sunday. I was disappointed a couple weeks ago when I stopped pumping due to lack of any milk. I had so hoped that Jesse would be able to nurse after his surgery. But, 5 months is a long time to pump and the stress of the hopsital stay really decreased my supply. I think I have enough stored breastmilk for about a month and then will have to go to formula. We are also excited about starting food soon - baby cereal.
Jesse has had visits from a occupational therapist and vision therapist. We are doing some exercises to increase head strength, but he doesn't like too much tummy time. The vision therapist is coming because of his "nystagmus" (involuntary movements of the eye). I will probably start researching this a little more.
I will let everyone know how the transition back to breastmilk goes.