Our Blessing Named Jesse

Jesse Quintin was born September 26, 2007, the much-loved fifth son of Kristan and Chad. He was diagnosed shortly after birth with AV Canal Heart Defect and Down Syndrome. Thursday, January 10th, Jesse had surgery to repair his heart defect. Friday morning he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. After 45 min. of CPR he was attached to life support. By God's healing hand his heart started to beat again and he came off life support on January 13. We created this blog to keep everyone updated.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sleep Study - Preliminary Results

I got a preliminary report from Jesse's cardiologist regarding the sleep study. It was abnormal and showed episodes of obstructive and central apnea. (In central apnea the brain's respiratory control centers are imbalanced during sleep.) We have an appointment on August 12th to go over the sleep study results with a doctor. Then Jesse with have the heart cath on the 13th, and a bronchoscopy to look at his airway. Please pray for those tests to go well.



  1. Kristan,

    I love the new pictures! I really can't get over how much Jesse & Daniel look like each other. Jesse is just darling.

    Your Sis

  2. Dear Kristan,

    Jesse is soooo cute, and I can't believe how big he's getting. We are still here in Denver, with no plans to leave soon. When you come back for Jesse's appointments, let me know. We would love to see you guys.


    Mary Berry
