Our Blessing Named Jesse

Jesse Quintin was born September 26, 2007, the much-loved fifth son of Kristan and Chad. He was diagnosed shortly after birth with AV Canal Heart Defect and Down Syndrome. Thursday, January 10th, Jesse had surgery to repair his heart defect. Friday morning he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. After 45 min. of CPR he was attached to life support. By God's healing hand his heart started to beat again and he came off life support on January 13. We created this blog to keep everyone updated.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Another Trip to the Doctor

Thursday morning Jesse coughed a little and had a little runny nose and his oxygen ran a little lower through the night. Oh no, another cold. I didn't take him to the doctor because he seemed fine all day. He was cranky while out to dinner that evening for my parents anniversary, and when we got home I found his oxygen was in the 80's. It ran low all night and he was breahing harder. He tossed and turned all night, not able to get any good sleep. So we went back to our doctor in Sterling on Friday and he agreed with me that it didn't really seem like a cold, but rather asthma symptoms (which may also have been the problem last time we thought it was a virus). So yesterday he started breathing treatments (albuterol inhaled with a nebulizer). He is supposed to have them every night before bed, and then I can give them up to every 4 hours as needed. He had 1 treatment at the doctor's office and then again before bed. His breathing was much better through the night and he slept soundly all night, although I did still have him at 1/2 liter. So we will continue with this treatment for the time being and see how things go. I am glad if this helps, but it would also be nice if he doesn't really have "asthma" that needs to be treated every day. I don't know how this all fits in with Jesse's pulmonary hypertension. Asthma is bronchoconstriction - constriction of the airways. Pulmonary hypertension is pulmonary vasoconstriction - constricition of the pulmonary arteries. I probably spend too much time trying to research things on the internet, trying to understand what is going on in Jesse's little body. I still hope some of these problems will heal and go away. Please pray that all Jesse's doctors will have wisdom in making a correct diagnosis and in treating his conditions.


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