Our Blessing Named Jesse

Jesse Quintin was born September 26, 2007, the much-loved fifth son of Kristan and Chad. He was diagnosed shortly after birth with AV Canal Heart Defect and Down Syndrome. Thursday, January 10th, Jesse had surgery to repair his heart defect. Friday morning he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. After 45 min. of CPR he was attached to life support. By God's healing hand his heart started to beat again and he came off life support on January 13. We created this blog to keep everyone updated.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

God's Continued Provision

We continue to be encouraged and amazed by God's provision for Jesse's needs. We had a significant bill from Jesse's Flight for Life to Children's Hospital when he was born, because our insurance only paid a portion of it. We had applied for an assistance program through the Flight for Life's "charity department." Yesterday morning Chad had asked me if we had heard anything about that bill and I said "no." Then Collin came in with the mail. I saw the bill, and thought it was probably just the monthly bill, but when I opened it, it showed a $7,533.10 "adjustment". Chad called to confirm that this was what the charity deparment had credited to our account! Today I was able to write out a check for our co-pay on the Flight for Life so that it is now paid off. We are so thankful for the many ways God has worked to help with the Jesse's financial needs!



  1. Awesome news! It is a well deserved blessing for your family. The entire family remains in our thoughts and prayers. You all are a living testimony to God's grace.

    And, thank you for the prayers for AnnaSophia.

    Steve and Mary

  2. Praise the LORD!!!!! We are so grateful for the way He continues to provide for you!
    Each member of your family is a special blessing to each of us, and Jesse is extra special. How we love him - it was such a joy to see his happy smiles last night at Bible study!
    love, Twila

  3. Praise God! He knows our every need. Thanks for posting!
