Our Blessing Named Jesse

Jesse Quintin was born September 26, 2007, the much-loved fifth son of Kristan and Chad. He was diagnosed shortly after birth with AV Canal Heart Defect and Down Syndrome. Thursday, January 10th, Jesse had surgery to repair his heart defect. Friday morning he suddenly went into cardiac arrest. After 45 min. of CPR he was attached to life support. By God's healing hand his heart started to beat again and he came off life support on January 13. We created this blog to keep everyone updated.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Back Home

Jesse & I got back home today around 2:00pm. His oxygen stayed fine, except for a period this morning when once again it was in the 80's. This happened after his early morning bottle so I am wondering if he really is aspirating while drinking (although we already had the upper GI and swallow study done that showed he isn't.) I am wondering if he possibly aspirates when he is very tired or relaxed, basically asleep while drinking. That would explain the low numbers late in the evening and early in the morning. (But he has never had this problem in the past.) I will see what happens tonight.

I also weighed him when I got home and he is back down to 18 pounds 6 ounces, after LOTS of wet diapers yesterday. He was 19 1/2 pounds on Wednesday at Dr. Clark's office and yesterday at Children's. I am not sure why he was retaining so much water, but glad that he seems to have gotten rid of it.

He is busy belly-crawling all over, and having a good time here at home. His breathing seems better, but he still has a cough. I hope he is on the road to recovery.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Chad and Kristan,
    We're glad to hear about Jesse's improvement, and pray that his oxygen levels will stay good and that his cough will clear up soon. love, Jim, Twila and Heidi (in Cookesville, TN tonight)
